An Overview Of The Pes Project - Jawaraspeed

In 1968, the year that the United States celebrated its independence from the British crown, Dr.
Thomas Robert Posey III (known as Tom Posey) released his first book titled The Complete Book of Pescetology.
This book was a compendium of information regarding the natural sciences, including human physiology, nutrition, biology and medical sciences.
He presented his information in an easy-to-understand and jargon-free style.
In fact, his book is so easy to read that it has been translated into 48 different languages.
Posey used his two books - which are still relevant today - to promote good physical health by teaching us how to maintain it through regular exercise, nutritious food choices and stress management techniques.
He also encouraged us not to buy into any dubious medical theories that could harm our physical or mental well-being.
Furthermore, he encouraged us to develop good health habits through a combination of medical knowledge and naturopathic practices based on our understanding of our bodies' strengths and weaknesses.

In this book, Dr.
Posey introduced new concepts related to human health such as digestion, food habits, internal and external organs of the human body and fitness levels.
He also provided advice on how to maintain good health and how to identify poor health conditions among different sectors of the public.
Additionally, he gave advice on how to treat diseases and how to prevent disease with naturopathic methods like diet and exercise.
In addition, he discussed various surgeries with patients in mind and how to minimize the risks involved in these procedures.
In this book, Dr.
Posey presented a comprehensive overview of health topics that involve the human body from a physiological perspective.
He discussed topics such as nutrition, fitness levels and water balance among others.
He also delved into aspects of human physiology such as the human nervous system and human organs of the cardiovascular system (i.e., heart and blood vessels).
In addition, he covered aspects of human digestion such as the digestive system and assimilation among other subjects relevant to good health.
When he released his second book in 1971 titled Health Secrets Of A Happy People: A Proven Formula For Optimum Living, he expanded upon his original message by promoting personal responsibility as the route to good health.
He also addressed common health misconceptions such as eating meat being beneficial for your health and alcohol making you more healthy.
He also advised readers against buying into any dubious medical theories such as dry-land farming or orthomolecular medicine.
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He also took a stand against unethical doctors by denouncing those who practiced “nerve-wracking” medicine on their patients while making huge profits.