Retouching Of Photographs Showing A Large Amount Of Interest; Author(S): M. Borer, M. Pittet - Jawaraspeed

In photography, an image is recorded on a film or a digital device.
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Photographs are used for documenting events, architecture and nature.
They also prove to be a powerful tool in communication, education, war and propagKamu.
Exposure to light creates the image on the film or digital device, but this image can be removed through retouching.
Retouching allows the creator to change reality by removing imperfections and blemishes from photographs.
It can include the changing of lighting conditions, camera angles, focus and number of shots to achieve the desired outcome.
Since photographs are viewed through different perspectives- making them subjective - they can easily become exploitable if not handled with care.
In photography, an image is recorded on a film or a digital device.
Photographs are used for documenting events, architecture and nature.
They also prove to be a powerful tool in communication, education, war and propagKalian.
Exposure to light creates the image on the film or digital device, but this image can be removed through retouching.
Basically- the removal of imperfections and blemishes from a photograph.
The subjectivity of photographs makes them vulnerable to manipulation.
For example, photographs showing a large amount of interest can be retouched to make the subject look more successful than he really is.
For example, pictures of successful people can be altered to make them look even more successful than they are by removing imperfections from their photos.
A famous example is Marilyn Monroe's photo with President Kennedy where she has her teeth visible when she was actually without them at that time.

Another famous case is George Bush Sr., where his famous \ 43rd president\ haircut was visible in his younger days when he actually had short hair.
Photographers use various retouching techniques like painting over blemishes or changing lighting conditions to remove imperfections from photographs they wish to use for promotion purposes.
As photographer M.
Pittet stated in his essay on retouching photos showing interest, 'Photographs showing interest are susceptible to retouching.' Therefore- if you would like to use photographs showing interest for publicity- you should first remove imperfections from them yourself so they will look their best when used.
Otherwise- people will recognize images that have been retouched and will not believe what they see in them as fact.