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This Is Where Your Digital Footprint Is Really About - En Jawaraspeed

This Is Where Your Digital Footprint Is Really About - En Jawaraspeed

When we think about the impact of our digital activities, we usually think about how that information makes us feel.

We tend to focus on the negative aspects of technology.

We do this by pointing to how technology has affected our personal and professional lives.

We also point out how it negatively affects our environment.

While these are all valid concerns, they're also narrow in scope.

Essentially, they only consider the short-term impacts of digital technology.

We need to look at the bigger picture and consider how that data affects the long term.

In the age of the internet, most people have a lot of digital footprints- both online and off.

As users, we share personal information with various internet providers, social media websites and mobile phone carriers.

This information helps them direct us to the correct resources and provides a way for us to contact each other directly.

It's important to note that all of this data sharing is done voluntarily by users themselves as part of an advertising system run by corporations.

To increase humanity's chances for surviving in the future, humanity must be more self-reliant in food production, energy production and information dissemination in general.

This means we have to stop relying on Digital Footprinting for everything and must start planning for real world interactions with people and things instead.

No longer should we expect technological advancement to sustain human life; instead, it should sustain human life to sustain technological advancement!

When we look at an average person, their digital footprint consists of online accounts, apps on their smartphone and computer and in their physical location on the internet via Wi-fi access points and their home network setup.

Although each one of these has different purposes, they all affect the environment in similar ways- by emitting data into the air without knowing where it will go or what will happen with it later on.

Because of this, it's important for everyone to take responsibility for their digital footprint when using digital devices.


We tend to focus on the negative aspects of technology.

We do this by pointing to how technology has affected our personal and professional lives.

We also point out how it negatively affects our environment.

While these are all valid concerns, they're also narrow in scope.

Essentially, they only consider the short-term impacts of digital technology.

We need to look at the bigger picture and consider how that data affects the long term.

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