Genius Forensic Footprints Assessment - En Jawaraspeed

Genius Forensic Footprints Assessment can be used in various criminal procedures such as drug raids and missing person searches.
Additionally, it can be used in insurance frauds when an individual seeks physical evidence of a car accident that they did not cause.
In these situations, a subjective evaluation of the subject's stance and movements can prove vital in determining if the individual is lying about their involvement in a motor vehicle accident or robbery.
To assist with these examinations, forensic examiners use three main tools: shoes with traction devices on them, flashlights and note pads.
These tools allow forensic examiners to evaluate a subject's footstep evidence without physically altering it - which can be tricky given that they are dealing with high-stakes situations!
At the Magic Castle in Hollywood, there is a private room called The Red Room.
It is famous for being the place where the mystical fountain, The Red Mysterializer, was invented.
According to legend, this fountain could create any drink one desired.
However, it had a hidden cost: some who drank from the Red Fountain would become intoxicated and experience strange dreams.
To avoid this fate, some famous people chose to avoid drinking from The Red Fountain.
One such person was Walt Disney.
Disney chose to avoid intoxication and dreaminess at all costs.
He told his staff not to allow him even a sip from that magical fountain- even in his sleep! When people asked how he managed this, Disney stated that he would sit on the floor and direct his steps from his feet.
Over time, Disney's staff came to understand his method and developed what became known as 'Disney's Method.' Essentially, this method involves having the subject stand on a raised platform while the examiner walks around him tracing his footprints.
This allows the examiner to evaluate the subject's posture and gait before making any deductions.
In addition, it prevents people from making negative assumptions about the subject based on their presence or gait without evaluating the actual footstep evidence first.
Essentially- depending on who is evaluating your footstep evidence, you could be helping or hindering your case!
The first thing examinees do is stand where they want their footprint impression to begin and end.
They then take off their shoes and socks so their feet are completely free from any footwear influences.
Next they put on their examination shoes and walk around where they want their footprints to start and end.
They then take note of where they are standing and walk backwards while looking at their toes and heel while doing so.
After getting into position where they want their footprints to start, they then bend down with both knees slightly bent so their center of gravity matches that of their feet.
After this adjustment, they can then stand back up while keeping their eyes focused straight ahead so they do not subconsciously adjust their stance based on what they see before them.
Once ready, they will then take several steps forward into the desired position where they want their footstep impressions to begin and end.
They will then trace both of their feet so that both feet are properly positioned before starting their evaluation walk-around.
From there, examiners will evaluate each footstep by focusing primarily on posture and gait as well as following specific note pad notes for each step taken around the subject's stance and movement observations.
Applying what Disney's staff learned from
Firstly, examiners must find suitable shoes for the job.
Some Footprint Examination Centers have sets of shoes specifically designed for this task.
Each shoe has hard rubber soles and heels that grip onto whatever surface they touch.

Each shoe has also been outfitted with metal traction hooks that allow forensic specialists to pull themselves along any surface as they evaluate footstep evidence.
Examiners must also wear gloves so their hands do not influence the subject's stance or movements in any way during evaluation.
Finally, examiners must also wear hats to prevent hair from influencing their evaluation stance when evaluating footprints.
After securing these equipment items, forensic examiners then move onto evaluating subjects' footstep evidence themselves!
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