Zuck 2023 : Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg's New Year's Mission Statement - En Jawaraspeed

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Mark Zuckerberg's personal statement for the 2016-17 school year was an inspiration for everyone.
The social media mastermind presented the world with a list of lofty educational ideals, including the creation of 'a digital utopia' and the creation of 'a digital identity' for each person.
Essentially, Zuckerberg wanted to revolutionize existing digital technology as well as create new software and hardware to keep everyone in the cybersphere happy and content.
Essentially, Zuckerberg's main goal in 2020 is to ensure that everyone has access to a computer and internet connection so they can participate in his ideal 'digital utopia.'

With the support of his billions, Zuck 2020 will help complete his journey towards creating a digital utorporation to replace business and government with an efficient, personalized and intelligent system.
As a result, people will have better access to government services, health care and education using his ConnectED initiative.
Additionally, he will expand internet access around the globe through his One Billion Rising initiative.
Although there are many challenges that need to be overcome before this dream becomes a reality, Zuckerberg has made an admirable start towards making his ideals a reality.
Building upon the success of his previous mission statements, Zuck 2020 will provide the inspiration necessary for Mark Zuckerberg to complete his mission of building a better world through technology.
Ultimately, building on past successes and garnering support from billions of users is all that is needed to make Zuckerberg's 2020 vision a reality.