Digital Learning Media Digital Learning Media - EN Jawaraspeed

Digital learning media are used for teaching and learning at school and home.
People use smartphones, tablets and computers for digital learning media.
This is because all of these have different capabilities for accessing information.
Students can either attend online courses or access digital textbooks on their devices.
This allows for flexible learning at any time of the day or night.
It’s also easy to access digital learning materials from anywhere in the world.
Digital learning material is portable and doesn’t require setup time like traditional media does.
Digital files are also easy to backup, delete, edit and transfer among each other via a computer or mobile device.
This makes it easy to share resources between two groups or individuals with access to a computer or mobile device, respectively.
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Digital technology has changed the way people learn in many ways.
Most teachers use digital media for instruction.

This includes both teaching and learning digital media provide advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional media.
It’s important to understand how digital technology can help or hinder educational experiences.
However, there are some disadvantages associated with using digital learning materials over traditional methods of instruction:
It’s easy to access digital learning materials from anywhere in the world through mobile devices.
People can use their smartphones or tablets while they’re in the classroom or at home.
This allows for flexible and convenient study.
Some people also use their devices during breaks, weekends and free time.
This allows them to study for exams without interrupting other tasks.
Online courses also allow students to complete assignments from wherever they are.
There are many advantages to using digital learning materials instead of traditional media.
These include:
-Flexible Learning-Digital media allow students to learn the material at their own pace and time limit.
They can also choose which version of the lesson they would like to study from- both online courses and printed textbooks have versions for both formats.
Students can also easily access digital learning materials from anywhere in the world without worrying about travel costs or time lost due to issues with transportation or weather conditions.
-Privacy-Digital media have given us a lot, but it’s also given us a lot of information about ourselves as learners and users of technology.
Data collected from digital devices can be used against individuals in many ways, including tracking people down through search engines, cookies and hacking systems like E-mail accounts or social media accounts.
The data collected can also be sold to corporations who use it for targeted marketing campaigns such as advertising web pages regarding job opportunities or products they may be interested in purchasing.
This can lead to an individual’s personal information being spread around unsecured servers where it may be accessed by third parties, resulting in data breaches that leave users vulnerable to identity theft as well as potential external organizations interested in collecting data on users for commercial purposes such as marketing research or political profiling purposes by agencies like the NSA among others- resulting in loss of privacy due to information collected by third parties being used against the individual user choice electing not to exercise control over what information is accessible through digital devices while at home, at school or any other place where personal data may be present over which individuals have no control over how that information may be utilized against them by external organizations that may have direct financial interest in personally identifying individuals through collecting data about individuals which may then be sold on marketplaces by third parties who then may legally pursue collection of this data against individual users’ wishes in order to identify potential future customers and/or employees under contract with external organizational clients who have financial interest in targeting specific demographic groups according to corporate organizational interests which may include political profiling based on race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation etc among others resulting in loss of privacy due to information collected by third parties being used against the individual user choice electing not to exercise control over what information is accessible through digital devices while at home, at school or any other place where personal data may be present over which individuals have