How to Display Posts Based on Label The Total Number Of The Web Traffic - EN Jawaraspeed

* The way your website generates new content is essential for success.
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However, some people believe that new content should always trump old content.
They believe that generating new content is more important than promoting it.
This isn’t a bad approach if you’re just starting out.
Once you’ve built up some backlinks, posts and social media accounts, you can start planning around which ones to display based on web traffic.
Displaying posts based on web traffic helps increase both site traffic and search engine rankings for relevant keywords.
After setting up monitoring tools, identify and promote popular posts first via social media channels and email campaigns.
Then, direct web traffic back to your main website via promoted posts on other websites in your network!
The ideal way to promote popular posts is by linking them to other relevant websites in your social networks and email campaigns.
The more people see your post, the more likely they are to visit other sites on your network- including forums and social media pages.
This generates more pageviews for your post and promotes it to a wider audience.
At the same of, promoting popular posts drives more traffic back to your main website.
This allows you to focus on building out new content without worrying about attracting new visitors from old sites in your network.
Every website needs to generate traffic for success.
However, not all sites display posts based on web traffic.

Determining which posts to show can be tough when you’re just starting out.
Your best option is to direct web traffic to your other sites and display posts based on that.
The most obvious thing to do when generating new content is to look at the web traffic.
Most web hosting services provide insights into who’s visiting your site- including their country and IP address.
You can also use a free website monitoring tool.
This allows you to set alerts so you know when things go wrong with your site’s performance.
You can then fix any issues and promote your most popular content to new visitors.
One of the best ways to determine which posts to display is by looking at your top performing posts.
Each post has a different audience, which means it will appeal to a different share of web users.
Promoting popular posts first makes it easier for new web users to find your site and join in the fun.
In addition, promoting popular posts helps SEO experts rank your site higher in search results.
This lets people find your site without needing to know where they are on the web.