Blogger Sidebar Invisible Problem - EN Jawaraspeed

#Creating a blog sidebar is as easy as creating a regular HTML page.
All you need to do is add
From there, you can add any HTML you want inside the
This includes links, images, videos and text paragraphs.
You can even create a linkback button if you want to keep your readers informed about the source of your content.
The easiest way to create a blog sidebar is through HTML.
It’s usually located on the right side of a blog’s main content and is often accessed through a menu link.
Most blogging platforms have their own set of default sidebars that are easily accessible.
For example, many blogs use the left-sidebar for social media links and the right-sidebar for text-based comments.
Other blog users have customized the look and functionality of their sidebars in interesting ways.
However, creating a customized sidebar isn’t easy.
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Creating a customized sidebar is easier than creating one from scratch because most of the work has already been done by other users.

Most popular blogging platforms have their own set of default sidebars that are easily accessible via menus or links on individual blogs.
These are referred to as blogrolls or author bars depending on which platform uses them most often.
When someone visits your blog, they’ll see the sidebar you’ve created based on their preferences and history on that same blog-registration platform.
Popular blogging platforms have made customization really easy by providing an area for new users to learn how to use their customizable sidebar functions!
However, it’s worth noting that most other popular blogging platforms don’t include built-in sidebars like WordPress does.
For that reason, many users choose to implement custom sidebars through plugins for their respective platforms.
For example, if you’re hosting a blog on WordPress, you can implement a custom sidebar through the Widgets plugin for your chosen CMS (CMS refers to content management system).
Alternatively, you can use Custom Sidebars for Blogger or Tumblr if you host a blog on those platforms instead.
Regardless of which platform you use, implementing custom sidebars is simple if you know how.
Creating a custom sidebar can be done effectively through HTML or by using plugins for other blogging platforms.
However, it’s much simpler to follow default sidebars if you host on WordPress or another platform with built-in customizable sidebars.
Either way works as long as you know where to locate the required HTML code within your website!
Many bloggers choose to implement a sidebar through WordPress because it’s one of the most popular blogging platforms.
The sidebars built into WordPress are quite extensive and include many customization options.
Plus, this makes it easy for new users to find what they’re looking for.
You can easily alter the default sidears in wp-admin #customize #sidebars by editing individual menu items or creating new menus altogether.
This gives you complete control over what appears in each menu item on your website.
You can also add custom links to each menu so you can create an entire sidebar menu within your admin area.