The Lot Of Footprint With More Than 44 Countries - EN Jawaraspeed

#Many people think that countries have a large number of citizens and a small number of land areas.
They have a large population compared to the amount of land they occupy.
This idea is called the Mega-Country Theory.
It states that countries should respect the rights of people living in smaller countries.
However, this idea is flawed because it compares a country’s size to an individual’s size when taking into account the amount of land each country controls.

In addition, this theory is outdated because it excludes artificial islands and continental shelves.
To illustrate the larger impact that countries have, consider the number of people living in China, India and United States.
China has 1.379 billion citizens, India has 1.953 billion citizens, and the United States has 326 million citizens.
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These three countries have a combined population of 3.629 billion people.
However, their total land area is only 9.843 million square kilometers.
That means each citizen occupies just over 2 square meters of space; India’s larger than average citizen occupies even more space than China’s smaller citizen.
Therefore, countries have a greater impact on the world than their size would indicate.
International treaties and agreements often attempt to harmonize countries’ footprints by limiting countries to a specified number of additional kilometers in their allowable expansionary activities or to a specified percentage increase in their existing levels of impacts.
For example, the Rio Declaration set limits on greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity reduction for 2020.
There are also agencies like the UN Environment Program (UNEP) that help coordinate countries’ actions to protect the environment.
These agreements help nations respect one another and protect the environment while maximizing each country’s resources and abilities.
These factors all contribute to how much a country uses natural resources and creates waste products such as plastics, paper, carbon dioxide and water pollution.
Governments take these factors into consideration when designing environmental laws and regulations for their citizens.
For example, India has strict environmental laws that protect its citizens from dangerous manufacturing plants and poor waste disposal methods.
If a country wants to export any goods to India, they must first conform their manufacturing practices to Indian stKamurds for human health and safety as well as cleanliness and sanitation in manufacturing facilities.
Over time, though, footprints tend to become more harmonious as countries catch up with one another in terms of environmental protection and resource management techniques.
This is because countries start out with different levels of development that affect their resource management techniques.
Additionally, natural disasters can affect entire countries at once if enough land area is affected by a disaster-causing phenomenon like hurricanes or earthquakes.
After these events occur, countries invest the necessary resources to help their citizens recover from the effects of the disaster as well as to promote prevention strategies for future disasters affecting their citizens’ lands.
The Mega-Country Theory is flawed when considering how much each country impacts the world through resources and waste management techniques compared to its size on its own.
Over time, however- given enough time for harmonious strategies to take effect- international laws and agreements should help bring about a greater degree of global environmental protection and resource management stKamurds among nations alike.